lunedì 25 marzo 2013



Quest’anno ho deciso! Niente colori per alimenti per decorare le uova. Ogni Pasqua mi pongo l’interrogativo: “ma saranno davvero sicuri? Passerà qualche sostanza tossica all’uovo e dall'uovo a noi?”.

E così per togliermi ogni pensiero ho deciso di sperimentare con la natura: verdura, frutta, spezie…perciò biete, curry, zafferano, mirtilli, lamponi. Si aggiunge un po’di bicarbonato, aceto oppure limone per correggere le tonalità ed ecco  lo spettro di tutti i colori. L’altra novità? Colorarle già senza guscio, le cucino come normalmente si fa per le uova sode e successivamente le coloro sgusciate.


This year I have finally made up my mind about eggs dyeing! Every single Easter eve I am questioning about the healthiness of the these so calles “for food pigments”: will they be really safe? Will they pass into the eggs and from eggs to us?”.

So I have decided to experiment with nature: vegetables, fruits, spices…so beets, curry, saffron, blueberries, raspberries. You can add some baking soda, vinegar, lemon to correct the intensity of the colors and here you are the whole rainbow. The other news? No shells on the eggs. I cook them the old manner with shell and then dye them without.


3 commenti:

  1. Very nice !!! Very good and Super easy !!!
    Natural colour means healthy food!!!
    Thanks a lot !

  2. It's easy to go for other colors and as you said the best thing is you can relax while eating these colored eggs

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