giovedì 29 agosto 2013

Pirates at work ...

This Saturday August 31, 2013 we are celebrating Edoardo’s five years and Massimiliano’s two years. Yeap they were both born in August.

My kids are growing so fast and furious!

Every year since they were born we have been celebrating their birthdays with a party, but this year Edoardo wanted a special one because “I am is five now” (feeling haughty) and asked us to invite ALL his school friends.  So we couldn’t but do the same for Massimiliano and we ended up also inviting ALL Massimiliano little school friends.

We thought of giving the party a theme and we chose “Pirates” getting inspiration from  “Jake and the neverland pirates” cartoon. Kids seem to like it a lot.

For more than 15 days Edoardo, Massimiliano, hubby and I have been cutting, pasting, sewing, writing, coloring, searching, buying, thinking, laughing, posing, cooking…

Here you are some previews of the Unforgettable Pirates Party.

Please allow me to thanks some special friends like #LavandaItaliana, Simone Niederstatter, #ZuccheroMagie who are helping us to make this party really unforgettable for my kids in first instance, us and hopefully all the kids and parents attending it.
We are a real team! Ops... I mean a real crew :)


4 commenti:

  1. Nice party and special kids, it will be a wonderful day !!!

  2. thanks a lot! I am lucky to have such a family...and such a precious husband!

  3. We look forward to participate to your pirates' birthday party. It will be a success indeed!!!!

    1. My super sweet friend, we too cannot wait to celebrate with you all! So let's party! Ahoy matey!
